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Books may be ordered by making a check or money order (USA) for the book(s) plus S & H to Richard Rundell and sending to Richard Rundell, PO Box 983, Haskell, OK 74436 USA. S & H for up to two books: USA $2.00; Canada $3.00 and Foreign $6.00.For quantity discounts email requests to You may read excerpts from these books or try a sample recipe from "Pleasures of the Good Earth" or from "Vegetarian Delight" by clicking on BOOK EXCERPTS below.
By Irene Rundell
How can you satisfy that spiritual hunger and thirst basic to man? Based on the Scriptures, this book tackles your questions concerning spiritual fruit and spiritual food and how you can apply them to your daily life. Concerning "natural fruit" Mrs. Rundell offers valuable tips on how to change our food buying and eating habits to achieve a healthy body. Nutritious, natural, home-kitchen-tested recipes compliment this book. Price $10.50 plus S & H.
By Irene Rundell
All Creation seeks freedom form their current bondage..In From Egypt to Jubilee, the author, through the Scriptures and personal experiences, shows the parallel of the jouney of the Israelites from Egypt, through the wilderness to the Promised Land and Jubilee, with the process that we, as believers, go through to reach our Jubilee. This book discusses how we can shorten our own wilderness experience. The author also enlightens the reader on the importance and role of the family in our quest for Jubilee. 1998. Paper; 163 pages.
Irene Rundell is author of Healing and Divine Health, Pleasures from the Good Earth, an all natural cookbook; Vegetarian Delight, and co-author of How to Be Married 50 Years and Love It! She has written for the Lord for over 15 years. Her burden is to see the Church realize their liberty and their inheritance in Jesus Christ. Mrs Rundell resides in Haskell, Oklahoma where she and her husband, also a published author, are active in Redemption Life Tabernacle Church. She is an evangelist and an ordained minister in the state of Oklahoma. Price $10.00 USA plus S & H. By Richard W.Rundell
Richard W., Rundell is a Bible teacher and writer who holds a from the University of Wisconsin, a M.S. from the University of Minnesota and a PhD. from Michigan State University. He has also authored How to Live in the Kingdom of God and co-author of How to Be Married 50 Years and Love It! In addition he has had published book reviews in CBA Marketplace and devotions in The Secret Place. Mr. Rundell has written for the Lord over 15 years and serves as an elder in his church in Haskell, Oklahoma. Price $8,00 USA plus S & H By Irene Rundell Your entire person- spirit, soul and body - needs to be whole and healthy. In this book the author relates personal experiences and presents Scriptures that show how healing can be an instant happening or something that needs walking out. She also explains why you might not have manifested your healing yet. Learn practical guidelines on how to eat more nutritiously for better health as well. 1996. Paper. 100 pages. Irene and her husband personally believe the Word of God that healing and health are theirs to possess, and walk toward that goal every day. For over 20 years they have been eating correctly. Price $8.00. USA plus S & H By Richard W.Rundell Confusion abounds among Christians today because so many believe they must postpone the reality of the Kingdom of God until some distant future or that they must wait until they die. This book addresses the questions of what, where, when and even why with regards to the Kingdom of God. The Scriptures declare the Kingdom of God is a present reality in which we can partake. Readers of this book will learn the three levels of Christian maturity, how they relate to the three feasts and how to apply them to their daily Christian walk. 2001. Paper; 197 pages. Price: $16.95 USA dollars. Available through Christian Bookstores, Barnes and Noble, and as well as through the address on this web site.
By Richard and Irene Rundell Whether you are engaged or have been married many hears, you will enjoy this book. Personal testimonies by Richard, Irene and their daughter Lelia will whet your appetite for further study. From both the Old and New Testaments, what did God have to say about marriage? Why are a husband and wife compared to Christ and His Church? How do you reach unity in a marriage relationship? The authors address these and other questions concerning a Scripture-based marriage. A workbook useful for individual or group study in the back of the book complements this study. Price: $12.95. 2001. Paper 171 pages. Available through Christian bookstores, Barnes and Noble, and as well as through the address on this web site.